Creative Movement
Week 1 (02/22/24) - Contents, Container, and Context.
Week 2 (02/29/24) - Bones
From The Place of Dance, using Bone Weight, Bone Directionality and Bone Contour & Architecture
Week 3 (03/07/24) - Review of Bone Contour and Architecture, start of exploration of muscle. We worked with pumping, pulsating and sponging with muscle, focusing not on the joints but between the joints, as well as resistance (using more muscle than required to perform an action).
These exercises are from The Place of Dance and a few people were asking about the book. I’ve scanned two chapters for you to look at and download if you’re interested in reading more.
Flow (working with rolling, pouring)
Fire (working with bones, muscle and organs)
From Bonnie Bainbridge Cohen:
Skeletal System: This system provides us with our basic supporting structure. It is composed of the bones and the joints. The bones lever us through space and support our weight in relation to gravity and the shape of our movements through space. The spaces within the joints give us the possibility of movement and provide the axes around which the movement occurs. The skeletal system gives our body the basic form through which we can locomote through space, sculpt and create the energy forms in space that we call movement, and act upon the environment in relationship with the other forms around us. Through embodying the skeletal system, the mind becomes structurally organized, providing the supporting ground for our thoughts, the leverage for our ideas, and the fulcrums or spaces between our ideas for the articulation and understanding of their interconnectedness.
Muscular System: The muscles establish a tensile three-dimensional grid for the balanced support and movement of the skeletal structure by providing the elastic forces that move the bones through space. They provide the dynamic contents of the outer envelope of flesh encompassing the skeletal structure. Through this system we embody our vitality, express our power, and engage in the dialogue of resistance and resolution.
Organ System: The organs carry on the functions of our internal survival – breathing, nourishment, and elimination. They are the contents within the skeletal-flesh container. (OMG Skeletal-flesh container!!)
Week 4 (03/14/24) - Reworking Muscle and Bone systems for new discoveries and explorations.
Week 5 (03/28/24) - Reviewing dancing with muscles and touching on organs. Specifically the lungs.
Spinner, elbow, diagonal, down.
Week 6 (04/04/24) - The Place of Dance Reading to sum up our past weeks.