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Join Audra for live online sessions including weekly dance classes and workshops. You'll also have access to class replays, previous sessions and courses, as well as the large online library of tutorial and practice videos. Join/cancel anytime, no questions asked.
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Specialty Classes & Workshops
5 Tips to Creating Beautiful Online Dances
A 3 course package that includes Elegant Arms: Beyond Technique (3 hours), Preparing Your Improvisation (8 hours) and Final Touches (1 hour). Total value $360.
3 week course to develop awareness and intention to your arm work
An 8 week course helping your practice and prepare for an improvisation.
1 hour class developing those little bits that can elevate your performance
Music and movement specialty classes that help dancers of all levels and styles to become more aware of how music can help form and shape our movement choices.
A series of practice videos designed to help develop your arm undulation skills. Designed for beginners but beneficial for all levels.
A 1 hour class with notes, a music playlist and supplemental practice ideas.

The original 8 week course - coming soon

The deep 24 week dive - coming soon