Boot Camp - Chest
Week 1 (02/21/24) - Week 1 of our Chcest focus and we work with simple twists on basic chest isolations and movements. We also started our wrk with having the chest connect to the arms (both simultaneous and sequential).
Week 2 (02/28/24) - Continuing our chest study as we work the shoulders with chest. Class ends with some phrases that we’ll work next week and further into the session.
Week 3 (03/06/24) - Shimmy drill, then work on our shoulder, chest, shoulder undulation and side undulations before putting them into a drilling phrase. Also review of las week’s phrase!
Week 4 (03/13/24) - Shimmy work, working with larger and exaggerated chest ‘isolations’, the chest roll from waving (pairing legs with chest and weight shifts), and some freestyle practice.
Week 5 (03/27/24) - Convex and concave chest forward and back, vertical chest circles and chest roll review.
Week 6 (04/03/24) - Reviewing convex and concave chest paired with shoulders, chest rolls and freestyling with both.