Beginner Arm Undulations: Develop and Grow
Designed specifically for beginners, this course teaches and drills the foundations for beautiful arm undulations.
Basic isolations
Shoulder isolations up and down
Basic up and down shoulder isolations in a slow paced drill.
Video running time 8:13 -
One shoulder up with one shoulder down
This practice drills both shoulders working together through the simultaneous execution of one shoulder up/out and the other down/in. Not an easy concept, but it’s never to early to start working these!
Video running time 5:56
Shoulder elbow sequence
Starting to sequence the first two isolations of our arm undulation.
Video running time 3:30
Elbow rotation
A few minutes with one of the underrated isolations IMO, the elbow rotation. It’s essential to be able to lift (and drop) the elbow and not have it more or influence the shoulder or wrist, so let’s get on it!
Video running time 4:25
Shoulder isolations up and out
Essential for our arm undulations is the slight variation on the shoulder isolation of up only - here we drill up and out which begins to send the energy out and down the arm.
Video running time 2:53
The arm undulation
Basic arm undulations with quality of movement
A slow paced practice session geared to beginners featuring arm undulations. Working with shoulder and elbow isolations as well as full arm undulations in stationary and with a simple foot pattern.
The practice ends with applying two different movement qualities to our undulations.
Video running time 13:47
Arm undulations with weight shift and quality
Arm undulations with weight shift and quality of movement.
Video running time 7:16 -
Working one arm undulating up with one arm undulating down
Working the whole arm undulation as we try to simultaneously move one arm up and one arm down. Not an easy task, but can’t ever do too much of this practice!
Video running time 2:38 -
Articulated arm undulations
A slow paced practice with articulated arm undulations using the shoulder isolation, elbow rotation and wrist lift.
Video running time 5:29
Mixed practices
Next steps & more challenges
Course FAQ
Once you pay for the course you have immediate and unlimited access to the course material.
While the videos are set up so one flows into the next as your progress and completion of each lesson is saved for you. You can however use the course and the videos in any way thst helps you. So you can skip back and forth through the content to rewatch and redo your favorites anytime as your practice requires.
If you know me, you know I think everyone can always benefit from more practice of the basics. That being said, while there are slow paced practices, there is also content that even advanced dancers will be challenged by as I zoom in on intricate technique that beginners are just starting to gain control of!