
You’ll find all the class recordings and course content on this page.

When uploading homework to the Google Drive folder (we’re using one folder for TLP and for this course), please let me know through as I don’t have notifications on.

Week 1: Fashioning Your World

Class Recording

0:00 Welcome, brief notes on the course

2:47 Story (logic) & a few things to keep in mind

7:18 Throughline or Log Line

16:10 Storyboard

19:14 Story Spine

25:05 3 or 5 Act Structure

30:03 Storyboard examples, including camera movement or movement on screen

34:08 The Widow's Waltz viewing and discussion

1:02:54 Bohemian Rhapsody viewing and discussion

1:14:25 Homework


1. Write a throughline or log line for the two videos we watched in class.
The Widow’s Waltz
Bohemian Rhapsody - starts at 1:56:00

2. Using the footage here, create the start of 3 different pieces. I’m expanding your options a bit to include any method I discussed in class. So you can create throughlines, log lines, storyboards, spines, or 3 or 5 Act scenarios.
You can use the footage in any way, thinking of any music, images or video that would support your vision.

Week 2: Blossoming

First Assembly/Rough Cuts
Macro Structure and Pacing

Class Recording

0:00 Sharing how the homework went, approaches, working within or outside of your comfort zone

14:54 Sharing a few different story boards & through lines

29:08 New concept for this week - Rough Cut/First Assembly. What is it?

32:12 My rough cut explanation. Working without music.

40:42 Topic #2 Maco editing - looking for the shape and pacing of the whole project at this point. Questions I can think about at this point to help shape my rough cut and to provide me with some pointers on next steps.

42:07 The most important thing to do when you are about to start the next step!!!

44:00 Okay Captain Obvious, scrap that 'dreamy' idea.

49:40 Sum up and this is the homework for this week. Well, unless you wanna try adding some more...

51:08 Music auditioning.

56:56 Now I can go in a bunch of different ways. Here are some options... and what I don't do (hint: no getting into the nitty gritty, the fine editing).

1:00:00 So how did I get here?

1:03:00 Questions - length?

1:05:33 Marking important moments - I did audio marking, but you could also do marking in your footage.

1:07:31 Don't forget compositional aspects, continuity and flow ideas!

1:09:52 Homework in a nutshell.


From last week’s ideas that you came up with for my footage, create a Rough Cut or First Assembly without music and by working loosely.

Spend a maximum of 40 minutes on this, and allow yourself to spend less than that.

If you want to do a little more work, you can start to audition music and other audio.

If you want to do a little more work, you could create some alternate Rough Cuts or First Assemblies.

Work that is uploaded to your Google Drive folder before Monday at noon will be shared in the upcoming class (unless you’d rather I didn’t).
Please let me know when your homework has been uploaded to Google Drive if you’d like feedback on it.

Week 3

Pacing and Rhythm - Micro

Keep working your rough edit, this time focusing on pacing and rhythm in a micro sense.

Week 4

Rhythm, Flow, Narrative & The Close-Up


Video examples from class :


Vivarium (starts at 17:43 - there is a video with sexual content before that)