Holiday Session
Class Recordings
Please allow 24-48 hours after the live online class for recordings to appear here.
Fundamentals - Week 1 (11/23/22)
Low Obliques - up/down hips, vertical hip figure 8’s
Fundamentals - Week 2 (11/30/22)
Low Obliques part 2 - twists, horizontal hip figure 8’s
Fundamentals - Week 3 (12/0722)
Hands! Waves, inward wrist twists and floreos. Breakdown and slow drills. Sorry my voice is a little strange in the recording!
Fundamentals - Week 4 (12/14/22) Reviewing our low oblique isolations and movements and putting them into simple phrases.
Boot Camp - Week 1 (11/23/22)
Shimmy warm up, low oblique ups (including a fun double up hip drill with arms, shoulders & chest circles. Talk about 3 ways to focus in drilling in order to improve!
Boot Camp - Week 2 (11/30/22)
Shimmy, low obliques (twists and horizontal figure 8’s).
Boot Camp - Week 3 (12/07/22)
Shimmy warm up, adding hands to drills, and a tough chest circle drill..
Boot Camp - Week 4 (12/14/22) Shimmy with ‘dance position’ feet, chest circle drill revisited, hip circles, 6 point articulated interior hip circle with twists… OMG fun.
Fluid & Funky Phrases - Week 1 (11/24/22)
Fast phrases on both sides to Saved by GONE
Fluid & Funky Phrases - Week 2 (12/01/22)
Slow but dense movement phrases to Serotonin by Pensees
Fluid & Funky Phrases - Week 3 (12/07/22)
Working with the foundation of wave, open, close, wave for our phrases, developing them as we go, changing music to see what other kinds of impulses we could add.
Fluid & Funky Phrases - Week 4 (12/15/22) Slow and smooth phrases to 80 Horses by Marbert Rocel.
Creative Movement Week 1 (11/24/22) - Warm up (moving in a way that feels good to you), exploring lines, shapes, pathways. Creating a 3 'movement' phrase, does it use the time of the music or is it faster/slower than the time of the music? Move faster than, move slower than. Adjust the timing of your movement as you'd like.
Creative Movement - Week 2 (12/01/22) Time - Duration (long and short), and Acceleration/Deceleration.
Creative Movement Week 3 (12/08/22) - Warm up (moving in a way that feels good to you), exploring time (open), working with Mary Overlie’s Walking and Stopping with Time focus.
Creative Movement - Week 4 (12/15/22)