Arm Undulations

For me, arm undulations are a wave of the arm and hand that can travel either into the body center or outwards from the body center. These waves utilize an isolation of the shoulder girdle and shoulder, the elbow, the wrist and the hand/fingers. Most commonly, the wave is done in an up and down pathway, though it can also be done traveling forward and backward, as well as using different shapes.

We’ll be working with arm undulations for the Spring Session, and most of the time we’ll be working with the up and down waves, though I’ll also touch on using circles and maybe one more. We’ll work both ‘regular’ arm undulations (the up and down, and with arms in 2nd position), and side arm undulations a lot!

Slow arm undulation drills start at 2:49 - there’s also work with shoulder circles and that mobius strip we did in the last few weeks of Boot Camp for the Winter Session.

Basic arm undulations with quality of movement - from the Core & Quality class taught in 2021.

A side arm undulation tutorial - this has lots of focus on elbows!

This is a full class going over the basics of arm undulations along with several ‘what to watch’ moments in slow and methodical drills. Great for all levels.

A Lavender (Stage 2) drilling class with a focus on undulations in general, a large piece of which are arm undulations. A great narrow arm undulation drill starting at 19:26.

More work with side arm undulations - from the Core & Quality Advanced class, working with force.