Rock, Paper, Scissors & Listen, Compare, Make

Music and movement specialty classes that help dancers of all levels and styles to become more aware of how music can help form and shape our movement choices.

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Rock, Paper, Scissors: Develop your musicality layers
We’ll experiment and play with how dance can effortlessly shift between layers of sound as it illustrates both main and secondary musical themes and ideas.

We’ll discover what our movements require to be literally and visually paired with parts of the music, as well as play and observe the results in maintaining and alternating between two or more musical inspirations.

Dancers will leave the workshop with a deeper understanding of primary and secondary lines of music and movement, as well as an understanding of what differences these ideas can make in their improvising and choreographic work.

Listen, Compare, Make: Develop your musicality dynamics and texture

With guided listening sessions, we’ll make note of and compare portions of songs, as well as how tempo, dynamics and range can assist in suggesting form for our movements.

Using our findings, participants will create short phrases or combinations before experimenting with development and variations.

Designed for any dancer interested in expanding their musical ear or is looking for ways to create improvisation and/or choreography that take it’s inspiration and foundation from musical cues